As you narrow down your list of potential colleges from rankings websites, a deeper dive into each institution’s specifics becomes essential. One invaluable resource in this deeper exploration is the “Common Data Set” (CDS). By simply Googling “[College Name] + Common Data Set”, you can uncover a wealth of information about the school, offering insights that go beyond general rankings and statistics. Additionally, searching for a school’s “Essay prompts” can not only help in preparing your applications in advance but also provide a glimpse into the qualities the college values in its students.
The CDS is a collaborative effort between the College Board, Peterson’s, and U.S. News & World Report. While the compiled database itself is not publicly accessible, most colleges and universities publish their CDS content online. This treasure trove of information is specifically designed to assist college applicants and their families in making informed decisions. For instance, section C7 reveals how much importance the university places on different parts of the application, such as test scores, GPA, and essays. Sections C8 to C12 provide data on the SAT/ACT score distribution of currently enrolled freshmen, offering a realistic gauge of where you stand. Meanwhile, section G offers detailed information on financial costs.
Moreover, the CDS format is periodically updated to reflect changes in U.S. government policies, ensuring that the information remains relevant and timely. Overall, the Common Data Set serves as a highly referenceable and convenient tool for comparing different universities, helping applicants to assess schools based on factors that matter most to them.
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